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Open From Mon to Fri

13700 E Colfax Ave Suite M Aurora, CO 80011

Aurora Dentists Change Lives with Dental Implants

Most people tend to take their teeth for granted. But there are those who have lost their teeth and are now faced with the prospect of going through life unable to talk normally or enjoy the foods they love. Aurora dentists are aware of this tragedy and are working hard to change lives through dental implants.

Losing your teeth can cause major problems for a person. It affects the way you talk and chew your food. It also affects your self-esteem as how you look without teeth is drastically different than with a full smile. But dental implants from Aurora Family Dentistry can change all of that. Dental implants, although lengthy, is actually a pretty simple procedure. After the artificial roots are implanted and a brief healing time, your new teeth can be positioned onto the roots.

Your new smile will look like you had never lost your teeth. You can enjoy any of the foods that you like and will be able to speak and chew normally. Your teeth will also take away the self-consciousness that once kept you away from social situations. Aurora dentists care about your smile, so call Aurora Family Dentistry today to find out more information on your new smile.

Aurora Dentists use Technology to Revolutionize your Dental Experience

Technology has come such a long way, even in just the last twenty years. Computers that use to take up an entire room can now fit comfortably in your pocket. Phones use to be constricted by a cord and the first cell phones needed their own bag to carry around. Now we have phones that can fit into watches. But technology has improved in the dental field as well. In fact, Aurora dentists are even able to manufacture crowns right in their office, while you wait!

It’s true! Thanks to the E4D CAD CAM technology, Aurora dentists can now make your crowns for you as you wait. They will be ready on the same day as your visit. It’s so amazing to think that at one time, not too long ago, you had to go in for impressions, then wait for them to be ordered, then finally come back for a fitting.

But thanks to Aurora Family Dentistry’s commitment to bringing you the latest in dental technology, you can now get your crowns on the same day as your first visit. Call Aurora Family Dentistry today to learn more about this convenient and amazing technology.

Aurora Dentists Lead the Way in Oral Health

Oral health should never be taken for granted. You might be surprised how many people go through their days with little or irregular oral hygiene. Improper oral hygiene can be just as bad as irregular oral hygiene. Aurora Family Dentistry is committed to informing you about the best ways to keep your mouth happy.

Aurora dentists have all the technologies necessary to make sure that your teeth stay as healthy and white as possible. They know that you can’t keep your teeth healthy by yourself. You need a great dentist to come beside you and give you the education and extra dental oomph you need to push your smile over the top.

Brushing and flossing alone isn’t enough to keep your teeth white and healthy. In order to really remove that tough tartar that just refuses to let go, you need to have your dental cleanings once or twice a year. Aurora dentists are ready and willing to show you how you can protect your smile for the rest of the year. Aurora Family Dentistry is even willing to give you a free teeth whitening. Call them today to find out how to keep you teeth healthy and how to get your free teeth whitening package!

Don’t Get Lost in the Shuffle. Aurora Family Dentistry: Aurora Dentists Who Care

There’s so much going on in your everyday life. The last thing you want is to feel like you are just part of the fray. You want, need, to feel special, like someone out there is looking out for you and has your best interests at heart. An unlikely place to find this, however, would be at your dentist’s office. But Aurora Family Dentistry is exactly like that. They truly are Aurora dentists who care.

They care about your oral health and hygiene. They care about it so much that they take extra time, each time you visit to make sure that you know and understand how to properly take care of your teeth during your normal life.

They care about your busy schedule. They wanted to make setting an appointment so easy that all you have to do is get onto their website. From there you can easily request an appointment that works for your hectic life.

There are too many people out there who view you more as an inconvenience than a valued customer. Your dentist doesn’t have to be one of them. Call Aurora Family Dentistry, your Aurora dentists who really care.

Aurora Dentists That Are All About You at Aurora Family Dentistry

Have you ever walked into the DMV or the bank and felt like you were an imposition to the people working there? Have you ever felt like a number and nothing more? The state of customer service today is pretty sad. But Aurora Family Dentistry is trying to change that. They are Aurora dentists that are all about you.

The staff at Aurora Family Dentistry tries to make each person that comes in the door feel special. Whether you are the patient or the family member of the patient, they want you to feel like you are appreciated when you leave their office.

They also want to make sure that you are well taken care of. So Aurora Family Dentistry has set aside a couple of appointments each day as emergency appointments. If you suffer from a dental emergency during the day, call them and they may even be able to see you and fix your problem that same day.

On top of all of that, Aurora Family Dentistry wants to show their appreciation to you by giving away free teeth whitening to all new patients who have completed a full appointment. This is just there way of showing you how much you mean to them. The teeth whitening procedure is worth three hundred and fifty dollars! That’s a pretty big thank you! Call Aurora Family Dentistry today for Aurora dentists that are all about you.

We Always Welcome New Patients to Our Practice

Our office serves the communities of Aurora, Parker, Centennial, and beyond.


At Aurora Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to making our patients happy and healthy. We provide our patients with exceptional dental treatment in a comfortable and safe environment.  

Our Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Fri: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Sat, Sun: Closed

Contact Us


13700 E Colfax Ave Suite M
Aurora, CO 80011


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