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Open From Mon to Fri

13700 E Colfax Ave Suite M Aurora, CO 80011

Aurora Dentists on Why You Need X-Rays

Doesn’t it seem like every time you go to the dentist’s office the first thing they do is take your x-ray? That’s probably because it’s true. Taking an x-ray is how the dentist is able to look for any weak spots in your teeth so they can properly treat these areas before they turn into actual tooth decay. It’s children and teenagers who get x-rays more than anybody else because their mouths aren’t properly developed yet, making it necessary for a dentist to take many x-rays to see if their teeth are filling in properly.

A dentist will look at an x-ray to check for any dark spots, which tend to indicate a problem area. Aurora Dentists are some of the absolute best dentists found in the entire nation. Why? Because Aurora Dentists truly care about giving their dental patients the best dental care possible. Be sure to call us today for your dental needs.

Aurora Dentists Provide Tips for Your Child’s Oral Health

Every parent knows how important it is for their children to brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day. And even though most children six and under will still have most of their baby teeth, getting them into the habit of taking good care of their teeth now is a really smart thing to do. Aurora Dentists are dentist’s who really care about their younger patients and make it their goal to provide parents with all the necessary information to ensure good oral health.

Aurora Dentists agree that following some or all of these tips is going to help ensure that a child has good oral health: teach them how to brush and floss the correct way (and then watch them so you know they’re doing it right), make sure they get enough flouride (to help strengthen the enamel) and limit the amount of sugar they consume (including drinks). Call us today for an appointment.

Aurora Dentists Tell Us Why X-Rays are Important

Do you ever wonder why every time you go to the dentist you have to get an x-ray taken? Because this is the best ways to see if there’s any tooth decay or any other possible oral issues that need attention. Only through looking at an x-ray can a dentist get a clear picture of exactly what’s going on in their patients mouth at that particular time. Only through looking at an x-ray can a dentist make the right plan of action.

Aurora Dentists understand that patients don’t always like getting an x-ray taken, and that’s why they are there to give them the comfort they need as well as to answer all of the questions they may have. Aurora Dentists specialize in using the latest in dental technology so they can give their patients the very best dental treatment possible. Be sure to call us today to make your appointment.

Aurora Dentists Tell Us How to Avoid Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection that can occur when someone doesn’t follow their recommended oral hygiene routine. Keeping to a regular dental care routine is extremely important to a healthy mouth, as well as visiting your dentist at least once a year. Aurora Dentists tell us that periodontal disease is something that can be avoided, and all one has to do is simply follow these two regimens.

If left untreated, periodontal disease can in fact turn into gingivitis, which can in turn lead to losing one’s teeth. Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is an important part of your overall health, and that’s why Aurora Dentists do their best when it comes to letting people know just how very important proper dental care is. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, be sure to contact us today for an appointment. Your health just may depend on it.

Aurora Dentists Want To Make Your Smile Whiter Than Ever Before

A white smile is something that some take for granted while other view it at something that is always hoped for but can never be attained. This last statement is not true at all. A white smile is available to anyone who may want it. There are several ways that you can go about achieving this.

Some people prefer to go the way of grocery store whiteners. This may not be the best option. For one thing, they’re very expensive and you need to use them for an extended period of time in order to see any results. Others will prefer to see Aurora dentists when searching for whiter teeth. Aurora Family Dentistry can help you get your teeth as white as you want them. The best part is that, in most cases, you can have a whiter smile in just one visit.

Not all Aurora dentists are able to meet your teeth whitening needs. That’s why you need to call Aurora Family Dentistry today. They have the tools and experience necessary to give you the smile of your dreams. If you’ve been dreaming of a whiter smile, then call Aurora Family Dentistry.

We Always Welcome New Patients to Our Practice

Our office serves the communities of Aurora, Parker, Centennial, and beyond.


At Aurora Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to making our patients happy and healthy. We provide our patients with exceptional dental treatment in a comfortable and safe environment.  

Our Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Fri: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Sat, Sun: Closed

Contact Us


13700 E Colfax Ave Suite M
Aurora, CO 80011


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