by Aurora Family Dentistry | Aug 9, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Sound like a bit of an exaggeration? Well it’s not. You see, people often fall under the false assumption that the brushing, flossing, and rinsing that they do on a daily basis are enough to ward off the dangers that plaque and tartar can bring. But the truth is, brushing and flossing can’t remove tartar from your teeth. Only an Aurora dentist can help you keep your teeth clean and healthy.
Tartar build up on your teeth can cause a gap between the teeth and the gum line. This gap will harbor harmful bacteria that can have devastating consequences on your health. Infections can spread into your blood stream and eventually settle into your heart. You can imagine how bad that can be. These issues have also been linked to diabetes and other heart diseases. You can even lose the teeth surrounding the infections.
These infections can do some serious damage to your overall health and even cause some life-threatening situations. For this reason, you need an Aurora dentist to clean your teeth and help you remove the plaque and tartar that can so seriously hurt your health. Call Aurora Family Dentistry today for more information.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Aug 8, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
There are plenty of Aurora dental care providers who choose to use the dental extraction as the cure-all for every ailment that you may have. But the truth is, a dental extraction may cause more problems that it fixes. Aurora Family Dentistry knows this and therefore keeps extractions as a last resort. Pulling a tooth might be an easy solution, but it is by no means the one that is best for everyone.
Here’s a practical example. If you are in need of a root canal, the easier solution would be to just pull the tooth. That would eliminate the need for the root canal. But is pulling the tooth really the best course of action? If you leave the tooth in, then you can keep a natural look to your smile. By pulling the tooth, you create a gap in your teeth that is more susceptible to infections than if there were a tooth there. You body will also try to fill in the gap on its own by shifting things around. This can cause headaches and neck pain.
Call your Aurora dental care leader today and ask them if an extraction is really the right course of action for you.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Aug 7, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
There have been some amazing advancements in dental technology over the past fifty years. It’s really unbelievable the things that are now able to be accomplished thanks to the help of modern technology. Aurora cosmetic dentistry is now able to replace your missing teeth with exact replicas of the ones that are gone. Aurora Family Dentistry is able to offer you an amazing assortment of cosmetic dental procedures.
The technology is such that it is able to replace your teeth with exact precision. And not just replace them, but implant them into your jaw so that they look and feel just like the real thing. Aurora Family Dentistry can fill your cavities with a bonding agent that doesn’t look metal, but instead blends perfectly with the tooth it is filling.
They even have the ability to create your dental crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays on the same day as your initial visit. Aurora cosmetic dentistry has evolved to the place that dentists can now improve the quality of your life easily and affordably. Call Aurora Family Dentistry today and let them show you the amazing options you have when it comes to revamping your smile.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Aug 5, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
You’ve heard story after story about the horrors of braces. But the fact remains that most people will need them at some point in their lives. But traditional braces are no longer the only option when it comes to getting your teeth straightened. A reputable dentist in Aurora will be able to show you the amazing benefits associated with the Invisalign teeth straightening program.
Invisalign is a series of clear retainers that you can wear without anybody knowing about it. The retainers are crafted from molds of your teeth, so they fit perfectly and with little to no problems. They are the least intrusive way to straighten your teeth.
They carry all of the benefits and none of the disadvantages of braces. For example, you can eat whatever you want with Invisalign. There are no painful wires to poke and scratch your cheeks. And the best part is that you can simply remove the retainer and clean your teeth like normal. Your dentist in Aurora can tell you if Invisalign is right for you. So call Aurora Family Dentistry today and let them show you if the Invisalign teeth straightening system is the way to go.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Aug 3, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Most people tend to take their teeth for granted. But there are those who have lost their teeth and are now faced with the prospect of going through life unable to talk normally or enjoy the foods they love. Aurora dentists are aware of this tragedy and are working hard to change lives through dental implants.
Losing your teeth can cause major problems for a person. It affects the way you talk and chew your food. It also affects your self-esteem as how you look without teeth is drastically different than with a full smile. But dental implants from Aurora Family Dentistry can change all of that. Dental implants, although lengthy, is actually a pretty simple procedure. After the artificial roots are implanted and a brief healing time, your new teeth can be positioned onto the roots.
Your new smile will look like you had never lost your teeth. You can enjoy any of the foods that you like and will be able to speak and chew normally. Your teeth will also take away the self-consciousness that once kept you away from social situations. Aurora dentists care about your smile, so call Aurora Family Dentistry today to find out more information on your new smile.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Aug 2, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
It’s time for a little education regarding the dreaded root canal. Most people associated pain and unbearable agony with root canals. But the truth couldn’t be more different than the common perception. You see, the reason for root canals is an infection that invades the inside of the tooth. Aurora dentistry professionals then have to drill out the inside of the tooth in order to remove the infection.
Where the problem usually arises is the control of the infection. If the infection isn’t treated properly, then it will interact with the anesthesia. The result of that will be a lot of pain and discomfort, during and after the procedure. Aurora Family Dentistry will treat the infection before the actual procedure. When the anesthesia is working properly, not only will not feel anything, but you probably won’t even remember that the procedure ever happened.
Aurora dentistry professionals know that a little education can be a powerful thing. A root canal is nothing to fear, but the repercussions of ignoring the infection can have far-reaching affects that you definitely don’t want to experience. Call Aurora Family Dentistry today if you think you might need a root canal and let them show you why there’s nothing to fear.