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Open From Mon to Fri

13700 E Colfax Ave Suite M Aurora, CO 80011

Don’t Underestimate the Value of Great Aurora Dental Care

You’ve heard it all before. You ask your kids to brush their teeth and they drag their feet as they reluctantly comply with your request. Very few people truly understand the importance of good oral hygiene. You brush your teeth to keep your breath fresh or because that’s just what you’ve done since you were young. But don’t underestimate the importance of great Aurora dental care.

If you don’t understand the importance of brushing, then you definitely don’t get how important a regular trip to the dentist is. Plaque on your teeth hardens in to stubborn tartar. It doesn’t matter how much you brush, floss, or rinse, you can’t remove the tartar on your own. But Aurora dental care providers can use the tools and technologies at their disposal to get that nasty tartar off your teeth.

It’s easy to take your teeth for granted, but ignoring regular dental visits can lead to bacterial infections, and even the loss of your teeth. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, call Aurora Family Dentistry today and schedule a check-up and cleaning. You owe it to your teeth to make sure they stay around for a long time.

Protect Your Smile at Your Aurora Dental Care Provider

Your smile is not just something you flash; it’s a part of you, a part of your personality. But it’s a part of you that’s needs to be taken care of. You can’t just leave your smile alone and expect it to be ok. It takes care and maintenance to make sure that your smile stays healthy and vibrant for years to come. In order to ensure longevity in your smile, you need to see your Aurora dental care provider once or twice a year.

Aurora Family Dentistry is committed to making sure that your teeth stay as healthy as possible. That’s why they offer a wide range of preventative dental procedures. You need to have your teeth cleaned by a professional dentist once or twice a year. This is the only way to remove stubborn tartar from your teeth. That tartar can lead to infections and red and swollen gums. But all of this is completely preventable with great oral hygiene and regular visits to an Aurora dental care provider.

Aurora Family Dentistry can help you keep your smile as white and radiant as possible. Call them today and find out how to get a free teeth whitening!

Veneers can Save Your Smile at Your Aurora Dental Care Leader

Veneers are kind of the cure-all of the dental world. They are so versatile and so useful in any number of situations. Your Aurora dental care leader will be able to help you decide if veneers are right for you. But if you want to correct minor cracks or chips, or even out your smile, then you need to call Aurora Family Dentistry to learn more about how veneers can help.

Veneers are simply little porcelain tooth-shaped plates that adhere to the front of your teeth. Modern advances in cosmetic dentistry mean that we can now perfectly match your veneers to your existing teeth to keep your appearance natural. Or, if you are looking to whiten your smile, you can go a shade brighter and cover up the yellow stains that have accumulated over the years.

Cosmetic dentistry is not always a major surgical procedure. Aurora Family Dentistry can show you how veneers can make a lasting and profound impact on your smile. You don’t have to live with yellow, chipped, or uneven teeth any more. Call your Aurora dental care leader today to find out if veneers are right for you.

Wisdom Teeth Being a Pain? Call Your Aurora Dental Care Specialists Today.

Few things are as painful as impacted wisdom teeth. This is a condition where the wisdom teeth actually grow inside of the gums, sometimes due to overcrowding in the mouth. This can cause bruising and excruciating pain in the back of the mouth, making it hard to speak and eat.

But your Aurora dental care specialists can help! They have the knowledge and experience necessary to successfully diagnose the problem and extract the teeth if necessary. Their first priority is your comfort. So they will do everything they can to make sure that the extraction is as quick and painless as possible.

If the pain is simply too much to bare, they also have emergency dental appointments for those who can’t wait. If you’re on of the first two callers of the day, they should be able to get you in on the same day. Their main priority will be to ease your pain and let you get on with your life.

Don’t let your wisdom teeth turn into a royal pain. Call Aurora Family Dentistry today and experience the difference of working with true Aurora dental care specialists.

Don’t Take Chances with Your Aurora Dental Care, Call Aurora Family Dentistry

The first thing people notice about you will be your smile. Don’t take chances with your Aurora dental care. Call Aurora Family Dentistry for a full and complete check-up. There could be problems in your mouth that you don’t even know about. That’s why it’s so important to get seen regularly by an experienced and qualified dentist like those at Aurora Family Dentistry.

They offer a range of services to keep your smile beautiful and healthy for years to come. Dental cleanings and x-rays are just the tip of the iceberg at Aurora Family Dentistry. But their focus isn’t just on the present. They care about the future of your oral health as well. They employ the latest techniques in oral cancer screening to make sure that there is nothing threatening the health of your smile.

They also offer many different forms of cosmetic dentistry to keep your smile looking just the way you want it to. The experienced and friendly staff at Aurora Family Dentistry won’t take chances with your Aurora Dental Care, why should you. Call them today and take the first steps in ensuring a long and healthy life for your smile!

We Always Welcome New Patients to Our Practice

Our office serves the communities of Aurora, Parker, Centennial, and beyond.


At Aurora Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to making our patients happy and healthy. We provide our patients with exceptional dental treatment in a comfortable and safe environment.  

Our Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Fri: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Sat, Sun: Closed

Contact Us


13700 E Colfax Ave Suite M
Aurora, CO 80011


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