by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 8, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
When the decision to get braces has been made, it’s important for brace wearers to understand that they’re going to need to give their braces a lot of attention in order to make sure they can do their job right. Most patients need to see their dentist at least once every month or two in order to check the braces and make any necessary adjustments. Also, regular dentist appointments ensure that any potential problems are taken care of as quickly as possible.
Brushing and flossing with braces can be tricky, making it a good idea for everyone who needs to get braces to understand that they do require a lot of care and attention. Aurora dentists specialize in giving their patients everything they need for the best in oral health care. And because Aurora dentists know everything there is to know about braces, be sure to contact us today to make an appointment with any questions that you may have.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 7, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
If you’re someone who’s been thinking about getting braces, for you or your child, know that there are quite a few choices when it comes to getting braces these days. Although the traditional type of braces are called brackets, which are placed on the front of the tooth with a wire going through to adjust the teeth and make them straighter, is still the most popular type of braces worn, another option includes getting these brackets placed on the back of the teeth where they’re barely visible.
In Aurora, cosmetic dentistry services are known to be some of the very best, and that includes the entire nation. That’s because in Aurora, cosmetic dentistry services are given a lot of importance because the dentists who work in cosmetic dentistry are dentists who want to help their patients have the best smile possible. Be sure to call us today for an appointment.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 5, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Because Aurora dentists truly care about your oral hygiene, they offer the following tips when it comes to using a fluoride rinse. Of course, we all know that brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day is highly recommended in order to prevent cavities. But there are additional steps that you can take to help prevent cavities, such as using a fluoride rinse. Using a fluoride rinse can help the enamel on your teeth become much stronger, protecting them so you’re much less apt to get cavities.
Aurora dentists offer the following tips on how to use a fluoride rinse:
• Don’t use too little or too much, which means read the label.
• Vigorously swish the fluoride rinse so that it reaches every part of your mouth.
• Don’t swallow! The amount of fluoride swallowed can be toxic making it necessary to spit all of it out when done swishing.
• Be sure to not eat, drink or smoke for at least an hour after using a fluoride rinse.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 4, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Have you been thinking about getting your teeth whitened lately? More and more people are looking into getting their teeth whitened these days. The reason is not only because people are looking for ways to make their smile more attractive, there are simply more options available these days when it comes to whitening your teeth, which is grabbing the interest of those who have been thinking about getting their teeth whitened for awhile now.
Aurora Dentistry wants your expectations to be realistic so they wanted you to know what you can expect when making the decision to get your teeth whitened. Because everyone is different, your results will be based on how well your teeth react to any teeth whitening procedure. Aurora dentistry services are available to anyone who needs them so be sure to contact them today for an appointment. And they’ll have the answers to any specific teeth whitening questions you may have.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 1, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Because more and more people are looking for ways to make their teeth whiter so they can have a nice bright smile, they’re looking into which products are available that can help them whiten their teeth. Teeth whitening ingredients are for the most part added to toothpastes and mouth washes, making these two products very popular these days. In order to be sure that you’re selecting the right product for your particular teeth whitening needs, it’s highly recommended to talk with your dentist first.
Because everyone is different and accordingly has different dental care needs, making an appointment with your dentist is highly suggested so they can recommend a personalized and proper teeth whitening routine. In Aurora, dental care services are given top priority because Aurora dentists are known as some of the top dentists in the nation. If you live in or near Aurora, dental services are waiting for you.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Oct 30, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Even though there have been many advancements when it comes to getting braces these days making wearing braces much more comfortable, there’s still no easy solution when it comes to getting food stuck in braces. Because removing food from braces can be sometimes difficult, dentists thought it would be helpful to make a list of foods to avoid eating when you have braces. Of course, eating a healthy diet is very important so healthy foods should be consumed on an everyday basis
In Aurora, cosmetic dentistry is given a lot of priority because the dentists who serve the Aurora area are known to be some of the very best in the entire nation. In Aurora, cosmetic dentistry services are among the very best because the dentists who specialize in cosmetic dentistry truly care about their patients and their needs. For a list of foods to avoid eating when you have braces, be sure to contact us today.