by Aurora Family Dentistry | Dec 6, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
It is extremely important to keep up with regular professional dental cleanings to prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are also important, but dental scraping is what is needed to remove plaque and tartar. Without it, the buildup will cause a bacterial infection of the gums and will also affect the surrounding bone structure.
Early gum disease can be controlled by a “deep cleaning” procedure. Your Aurora dentist will go in and do ultrasonic, or manual scraping, and root planing to remove the plaque and tartar.
Call your Aurora dentist today to make that appointment: 303-364-4322.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Dec 4, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
When tooth enamel begins to diminish, the roots become more exposed, which can lead to the pain of sensitivity. Hot and cold drinks, and acidic foods can set off symptoms.
There are steps that you can take to keep the discomfort at a minimum. Your dentist in Aurora will tell you to keep brushing regularly, but not to brush too hard, and use a toothpaste that contains calcium and phosphate. Both help to promote healthy teeth, and create a protective layer over the dentin that covers the root.
Other remedies may be suggested by your dentist in Aurora, including fluoride treatments, and bonding.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Dec 2, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Orthodontic dentistry has advanced with the invention of invisalign. It is a progressive system designed to take the place of traditional metal braces.
Aurora dentistry professionals will work out a plan of treatment with you, then take oral imprints which will be sent to a lab. Your dentist will receive back thirty plus aligners to be used, as the stages of the treatment advance.
Aurora dentistry invisalign aligners are made of a smooth plastic material to eliminate the discomfort. and irritation caused by braces. The wearer will be able to remove them for easy care, and the freedom to eat favorite foods.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 29, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Some over the counter, and prescription drugs can cause what is known as “dry mouth.” Certain conditions, such as dehydration, can also contribute. Your Aurora dentist will tell you that anything that reduces the natural flow of saliva will promote dry mouth.
If you experience symptoms of hoarseness, or sore throat, thirst, and bad breath that is not caused by something you have eaten, see your Aurora dentist. He may suggest some lifestyle changes. He may also recommend that you avoid the habit of breathing through your mouth, and suggest ways to re-stimulate the appropriate flow of saliva.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 26, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Research has shown that the percentage of people who take the time to thoroughly floss their teeth is low. And yet, an Aurora dentist can tell you that flossing is one of the best things you can do to promote good oral health.
Flossing reduces the risk of periodontal disease by controlling the buildup of plaque that forms along the gum line.
Whitening is fine, but it’s only a temporary fix. Brushing and flossing, and seeing your Aurora dentist on a regular basis is what will keep your mouth healthy for the long run.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Nov 25, 2013 | Aurora Dental Blog
Floss first, brush later. Flossing loosens food particles that may have gotten caught between the teeth. Once they’re broken up, brushing, and rinsing will be more effective.
Take care of your toothbrush. Aurora dentistry recommends an electric one, but if you prefer to use a traditional toothbrush, be sure to replace it every few months, and always after a bout with the flu, or other illness – toothbrushes are great hiding places for germs.
When it comes to diet, Aurora dentistry prescribes plenty of vitamin D.