by Aurora Family Dentistry | Feb 7, 2014 | Aurora Dental Blog
When bacteria gets into the nerve of your tooth, it will cause an infection that could result in the loss of the tooth. It can be brought about by tooth decay, or some kind of physical trauma to the tooth, or jaw.
You will experience some pretty painful symptoms along with such an infection, which should bring you to your Aurora dentists before it can spread to the bone. They may recommend root canal to remove the affected tissue, and clean the area. Aurora dentists may prefer to perform the procedure over two or three appointments.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Jan 22, 2014 | Aurora Dental Blog
Having regular dental check-ups can reduce your risk for oral cancer. Aurora dentistry professionals can screen for early diagnosis, and advise you about lifestyle changes that can improve your odds.
They will tell you that adding more fruits, and veggies to your diet is important, and that you should cut back on alcohol consumption. Aurora dentistry will warn against tobacco use in any way, shape, or form. They will also remind you to apply a high spf lip balm before going out into the sun.
High risk factors can be genetic, or can increase in accordance with your living habits.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Jan 21, 2014 | Aurora Dental Blog
It’s important that you find a dentist in Aurora who will be able to work with you to accommodate your schedule. If your career is demanding, and you travel a lot you’ll need a dentist who can fit you in for impromptu consultation, if necessary.
Another factor to consider is convenience. Try to locate a dentist in Aurora that is close by your workplace. Visit the office, and get to know the dentist, and his staff. Being familiar with the surroundings will help put you at ease when you do need an appointment.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Jan 16, 2014 | Aurora Dental Blog
There are certain foods, drinks, and habits that can support, or discourage having a healthy mouth. Wine, especially red, but also white, will discolor your teeth, and even eat away at your enamel. Aurora dentistry recommends that if If you do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, try not to “swish,” and wash away the remains with water.
Nicotine also stains the teeth, and smoking can cause plaque buildup, and gum disease, not to mention halitosis. See your Aurora dentistry professionals regularly, and try to stay away from foods and drinks that are high in acid content.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Jan 14, 2014 | Aurora Dental Blog
Teeth are naturally resilient, and should retain their adaptability throughout your lifetime, barring any accidental injuries. But, there are some things that you can do to reduce the chances for chipping, or breakage. Aurora dentists suggest that you avoid biting down on foods like candies, or unpitted olives – anything with a hard surface, or center.
Visit your Aurora dentists on a regular schedule. They can look for broken fillings, or signs of damage due to grinding your teeth, or clenching them closed.
by Aurora Family Dentistry | Jan 13, 2014 | Aurora Dental Blog
Gum grafts surgery may be performed to prevent added damage from root exposure. Your dentist in Aurora may choose to do a “connective-tissue graft, a ‘free gingivitis graft,” or a “pedicle graft.”
Any one of the procedures will involve sedation, so that your dentist in Aurora will advise that you arrange for transport home afterward. He will send a list of do’s and don’ts along with you that may restrict some activities, and limit your food choices. You can expect a full recovery in 1-2 weeks.