Aurora Dentistry Praises The Benefits Of Dental Lasers
Dental lasers are used more effectively than ever to make regular cleanings go smoother for both the professional, and the patient. The laser system cuts the time the treatment will take, and makes the patient more comfortable during the procedure at Aurora dentistry....
An Aurora Dentist Can Control The Progression Of Early Gum Disease
It is extremely important to keep up with regular professional dental cleanings to prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are also important, but dental scraping is what is needed to remove plaque and tartar. Without it, the buildup will cause a bacterial...
A Dentist In Aurora Recommends Treatments For Sensitivity
When tooth enamel begins to diminish, the roots become more exposed, which can lead to the pain of sensitivity. Hot and cold drinks, and acidic foods can set off symptoms. There are steps that you can take to keep the discomfort at a minimum. Your dentist in Aurora...
Aurora Dentistry Uses The Invisalign System For Straightening
Orthodontic dentistry has advanced with the invention of invisalign. It is a progressive system designed to take the place of traditional metal braces. Aurora dentistry professionals will work out a plan of treatment with you, then take oral imprints which will be...
An Aurora Dentist Can Correct The Natural Flow Of Saliva
Some over the counter, and prescription drugs can cause what is known as “dry mouth.” Certain conditions, such as dehydration, can also contribute. Your Aurora dentist will tell you that anything that reduces the natural flow of saliva will promote dry mouth. If you...
See Your Aurora Dentist Regularly To Maintain That Healthy Smile
Research has shown that the percentage of people who take the time to thoroughly floss their teeth is low. And yet, an Aurora dentist can tell you that flossing is one of the best things you can do to promote good oral health. Flossing reduces the risk of periodontal...
Aurora Dentistry Has Tips For The Care Of Healthy Teeth And Gums
Floss first, brush later. Flossing loosens food particles that may have gotten caught between the teeth. Once they’re broken up, brushing, and rinsing will be more effective. Take care of your toothbrush. Aurora dentistry recommends an electric one, but if you prefer...
Be Sure To Follow The Post-Extraction Instructions That Your Aurora Dentist Will Provide
When your Aurora dentist extracts a tooth, a blood clot forms in the socket - the space where the tooth was - to protect the tissue, and let the healing process begin. If the clot breaks open, and the bone is exposed, you will have what is called a “dry socket.” The...
Dental Implants Aurora Offers All Kinds Of Treatment Plans For Patients
There are definite advantages to choosing a single tooth implant from dental implants Aurora over other methods that affect the good surrounding teeth. An implant is installed to stand on it’s own, and is easier to care for than a bridge, for instance. Sometimes the...
In Aurora Dentists Care About Your Oral Health
Because everyone needs to visit their dentist at least twice a year, it's really important to have a dentist that you enjoy going to. You want a dentist that truly cares about your oral health care so you're able to get the best dental care service possible every time...
We Always Welcome New Patients to Our Practice
Our office serves the communities of Aurora, Parker, Centennial, and beyond.
At Aurora Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to making our patients happy and healthy. We provide our
Our Hours
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Fri: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Sat, Sun: Closed
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