Emergencies seem to never happen at a convenient time. If they did, we could plan for them and then they wouldn’t be emergencies. The great folks at Aurora Family Dentistry know that when an emergency strikes, you need to be seen as soon as possible. That’s why they’ve dedicated two appointment times every day just for emergencies.
If you are one of the first two people to call your Aurora dentist that day, then you will most likely be seen that day. In most cases, they are even able to solve your problem during that very visit. At worst, they may have to refer you to one of their other locations so that you can get the care that you need. Your health is top priority at Aurora Family Dentistry and they will do everything they can to help you in the heat of the moment.
Not every Aurora dentist is able to offer these services. But Aurora Family Dentistry is committed to you and your health. Everything they do is for your benefit. If you find yourself in the midst of an emergency, you don’t have to wait. Call Aurora Family Dentistry today!